Thursday, February 10, 2005

the lounge

Actor Corey Feldman, who says in an interview airing this week that Michael Jackson showed him nude pictures when Feldman was in his early teens

Free speech activists and Yahoo Inc. declared a small victory Thursday in a dispute over whether the e-commerce giant can host auctions for Nazi memorabilia on its U.S. sites.

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals actually made a good ruling.

The Bush administration has lodged a formal protest with Russia for agreeing to provide the government of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez more than 100,000 AK-47 rifles that U.S. officials believe could be used to aid left-wing uprisings in Latin America...But Mr. Chavez appeared on Al Jazeera in December and called the station "a symbol of courage, principles and dignity." He added, according to the British Broadcasting Corp.: "It always tells the truth." He expressed support for the Iraqi insurgents attacking American forces.

Virginia lawmakers dropped their droopy-pants bill Thursday after the whole thing became just too embarrassing.


Blogger Matt said...

Dammit! Just as I had some hope for my future home state of VA, the lawmakers are swayed by a group of surly teens.

Also, I think Venezuela needs more "freedom". Call GWB.

Thu Feb 10, 10:49:00 PM MST  
Blogger Michael and Natalie said...

good for yahoo! its a small victory that is sadly necessary in this day and age

Thu Feb 10, 11:47:00 PM MST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Matt, cussing counts even when you type it. See, I told you that you didn't want me to start making comments on here! I too am saddened by the VA legistation's weakness, it looks like they need me there to keep them in line.

Fri Feb 11, 12:24:00 AM MST  
Blogger Michael and Natalie said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

Fri Feb 11, 01:13:00 AM MST  
Blogger bryan said...

yee haw!! (shoots makarov bullets in the air, dancing around)

Fri Feb 11, 08:39:00 AM MST  
Blogger bryan said...

im reading 'the prince' and its inspiring

Fri Feb 11, 09:39:00 AM MST  
Blogger Aaron said...

As tacky as it may be...I for one enjoy staring at a girl's butt crack. Good for Virginians!

Fri Feb 11, 12:08:00 PM MST  
Blogger Michael and Natalie said...

look, its just underwear, and while it may disturb some people to have to see it when a certain young man bends down, at least it ISNT A GIRLS BUTT CRACK!! i really think it incredible that they even wrote up a bill over something like that. i honestly think it goes along the lines of big brother-thats like saying, orange is a hidieous color and further, it offends me even though it may not offend everyone else, so it should be illegal for people to wear it

Fri Feb 11, 12:23:00 PM MST  

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