Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Dreaming of a G6

Though several people have classified cell as an entirely new chip architecture, that statement can be misleading as it doesn't illustrate the fact that the new design is totally compatible with PowerPC. Yes, it is totally redesigned, but IBM recently confirmed that its Power architecture (the company’s umbrella term for PowerPC) is part of Cell. This means that PowerPC-based operating systems will be fully native for this new chip.

"I got into this race five weeks ago to talk about the devastating loss we experienced in November," Roemer said in an interview. "It was not about 60,000 votes in Ohio. It was about losing 97 of the 100 fastest growing counties in the country. If that's a trend in business or politics you're in trouble."
thanks jonathan

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice urged Europe on Tuesday to lay aside differences over the Iraq (news - web sites) war and join the United States in a campaign to spread democracy worldwide.

Less surprising is the president’s plan to cut $3.7 billion from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Mr Bush said in last week’s state-of-the-union address that duplicated or ineffective programmes would be cut. Some of HUD’s programmes were deemed to be among them. These will be transferred in a modified and reduced form to the Commerce Department, which sees a $3.1 billion, or 49%, spike in its budget.

Prime Minister Tony Blair on Monday proposed a clamping down on immigration and asylum, in what human rights groups said was a crude effort to win votes in an expected May election.

The companies, ranging from IT services start-up Rural Sourcing to computer giant Dell, can save on wages in these communities, thanks partly to inexpensive housing there. And in some cases, the companies are pitching operations in midsize America as an alternative to shipping work abroad.


Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Los Angeles) urged the community to "demand justice and become even more creative in ways to shame the establishment for tolerating this kind of abuse in our city."

The standards helped produced victory for the United States in Afghanistan. Green Beret A Teams infiltrated the country, teamed with local Northern Alliance and other guerrillas and defeated the Taliban with the help of pinpoint air strikes.

So if Apple wants to abandon floppy disks or sell computers in funny colors or shapes, it can. In contrast, PC makers have been trying since 1999 to get away from the beige tower and legacy features. So far, they haven't even managed to get rid of parallel printer ports.

La France rejette l'idée selon laquelle le modèle américain de démocratie aurait vocation à être imposé partout dans le monde, fut-ce par des moyens non militaires. Mais, fait-on remarquer à l'Elysée, c'est un vieux débat entre Paris et Washington.


Blogger Matt said...

Yeah, Bryan. I come here to get some stuff that is filtered for coolness and/or political importance. I would suggest a 5 link maximum per update. Nobody says you can update only once per day.
In fact you may get more unique IPs to click on your ads if you split updates up. I.E. I'm at school in the morning and at home during the evening -- 2 unique IPs if I'm incentivized to look at your blog twice a day.

Tue Feb 08, 10:32:00 PM MST  
Blogger Aaron said...

Ce blog a atteint de nouveaux niveaux de ridicule. Y a non seulement il trop de poteaux par jour, mais ils commencent à être écrits en langues étrangères. Je suis plaisanterie juste. Il n'est pas ridicule. Mais je conviens que peut-être la rupture vers le haut de votre contenu et la signalisation de lui pendant différentes parties du jour pourraient être une meilleure chose pour nous toute. Et pour vous.

Wed Feb 09, 10:04:00 AM MST  
Blogger Michael and Natalie said...

J'aime les poteaux et le Français est joli - personne ne dit à Drudge combien de poteaux à faire !

Wed Feb 09, 10:23:00 AM MST  
Blogger Aaron said...

....this about what Logos said when Logos said "Isn't funny that the Blair article refers to "expected elections in may," like this is something that may not happen?"

...election dates aren't concrete in parliamentary systems like they are in the US. (from http://edition.cnn.com/interactive/specials/0104/ukvote.process/frameset.exclude.html) "In Britain, prime ministers may call national elections at any time, though no more than five years may lapse from one general election to the next. Aside from general elections, for which all seats are open, by-elections are held when a member of Parliament dies or resigns.

The prime minister's power of discretion adds an element of spontaneity to the electoral process that does not exist in systems where voting dates are fixed on the calendar. Prime ministers generally ask the monarch, the formal head of state, to dissolve Parliament when they think their party has the best chance of winning a general election."

Look how Blair evolves his party platform to be more conservative and therefore more popular. By making the Labour party more moderate he has lasted longer than any other Labour PM. Too bad our Democrats are too clueless to follow Labour’s clever “strategery”. They’ll put Dean in as DNC chairman and throw away any Clinton-Blair-esque Thrid Way policies and fade into oblivion.

Wed Feb 09, 10:27:00 AM MST  
Blogger Aaron said...

Wer gibt einen Fluch über Drudge? Nicht ich. Bryan gibt die wichtigsten Geschichten bekannt, bevor Drudge kann. Z.B. die Geschichte über den Mantel von Dick Cheney bei Auschwitz. Tun Sie Ihr blog, jedoch, das Sie Bryan möchten. Ich bin gerechter Saying, den ich es möglicherweise mehr, auf ihm mehr bekanntzugeben lesen würde und das ADS an mehr zu klicken, wenn Sie oben den Inhalt während des Tages brachen.

Wed Feb 09, 10:37:00 AM MST  
Blogger Michael and Natalie said...

you guys dont know what the hell you re talking about-ive seen ya ll's blogs and they dont even compare to bryan's! furthermore, you dont have to come to the blog if you dont want to. even though the number of mosts may seem a bit overwhelming to some, the more posts represents more news that interests BYRAN cause its HIS blog-i dont think he started this as a service to anyone...
i know this will probably start some kind of little fight between me, aaron, matt and logos, but come on guys...

Wed Feb 09, 01:41:00 PM MST  
Blogger Michael and Natalie said...

yes i m aware of the mispellings, my class was ending...

Wed Feb 09, 01:46:00 PM MST  
Blogger Matt said...

I haven't seen such a knee-jerk defense of anybody in my life. Bryan actively touted his blog to me as if he were offereing me a service. I go here, click on the ads, and I expect some content that I enjoy to consume. If it were a blog expounding on his inner turmoil as a skinny half-Mexican bachelor, I would not have made the comment I did earlier. But it is a blog where there is content and advertisements. I am the consumer of this blog. I am the customer. And we all know that the customer is ...
Really I don't care how many links are on the blog. I just thought I would offer a suggestion from one friend to another. Though, it was very entertaining seeing how Natalie defended Bryan's blog.

Wed Feb 09, 01:57:00 PM MST  
Blogger Aaron said...

Somebody needs to take a nerve pill. Pssshooooot.

I really wasn't complaing about the blog. I'm a big fan of the blog. I was just agreeing with the good idea of busting up content throughout the day. Bryan always asks what I think of the blog and I always tell him I don't read EVERY article on there, but I read the ones that fancy me. I'd maybe read more, visit more, and click ads more if he broke up the content. That's all. He listens to positive criticsm. I complained once about his horrible headlines that he had for a while:


:'( on 11/08/04

|-) on 11/09/04

... on 11/10/04

. . . on 11/12/04

___ on 11/18/04

*** on 11/19/04

and my favorite:

Средства массовой информации on 10/29/04

The blog evolved per my request and Bryan has seen an increase in ad clicks from my fingers because of it.

Wed Feb 09, 03:05:00 PM MST  
Blogger bryan said...

thanks for the feedback. ill take it into consideration.

more specifically, before matt made the comment, i was going to start spreading out the posts more. not because i think theres a problem with a lot of articles, because natalie is right when she says that i just put up whatever i find interesting, but because it can get pretty confusing with all the different comments with all the different articles.

as far as the foreign language articles... hmmm... the url of the blog is http://tierralibre-de-bryan.blogspot.com/ and really liked my russian post title :)

i really appreciate you guys clicking on my ads and of course i value any opinions you may have on how practically i could make it better. i also think its cool to have someone to come to your defense and be protective over you.

btw, tiger is very nice... i love the new apple mail, and dashboard has progressed nicely... but sadly, its still not ready for primetime :'(

Wed Feb 09, 10:09:00 PM MST  

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