Condi 2008

A judge on Friday ordered three independent online reporters to divulge confidential sources in a lawsuit brought by Apple Computer, ruling that they were not protected by the First Amendment because they published trade secrets.
"I like clothes — I always have," she said to laughter, answering a question. "You know, when I was 5 years old, my poor father would go off to work on his sermon on Saturday — he was the Presbyterian minister — so he would go off to work on his sermon. And my mother and I would go shopping. Shopping is fun."
Beyoncé Knowles also advertises L'Oréal sprays, gels and mousses. To transform her naturally kinky black hair into straight, artificially brown shiny hair, she'll need relaxers that break down sulfur compounds and then use oxidants to rebuild them. If the singer were to massage only a fraction of the amount of the product she's advertising into her hair, her head would turn into something like a small chemical hazardous waste dump.
One of the plaintiffs in the suit, Susan M. Wozny of Laramie, Wyo., who is not Mormon, said that when she visited the site in August, she was repeatedly asked by Mormon guides about her religious affiliation and was barred from an area of the trail.
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