Monday, March 07, 2005

baby with his heart on the outside

Mr Clinton had "rather pleasant feelings" about the current president, he said, adding that as a father, he found this "enormously gratifying".

For every Caucasian child in the United States, there are at least 200 families in line, waiting two to three times as long as they would if they adopted a black baby, according to Adoption Link.

Texans are known for doing things in a big way. But the state is planning a futuristic highway system that's gargantuan even by Texas standards: 4,000 miles of expressways, mostly toll lanes. The Trans-Texas Corridor, almost a quarter-mile wide, would carry...

A computer hacker gained access to internal admissions records at Harvard, Stanford and other top business schools, then helped applicants log on and learn their fate weeks ahead of schedule, officials said Thursday.

Prototype of hydrogen-fueled laptop battery demoed...The company outfitted an IBM ThinkPad laptop with a fuel cell that is 6 millimeters thick.


Blogger Aaron said...

That article about Bubba and The Bush make me feel really good inside.

Mon Mar 07, 01:46:00 PM MST  
Blogger bryan said...

i wasnt going to put up a link to the story even though i liked it a lot because its been getting a lot of coverage, but that quote from bush sr. is very heartwarming...

Mon Mar 07, 02:04:00 PM MST  

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