Dubai Capitalism
"We believe," said Bush, "that the voice of the people ought to be determining policy, because we believe in democracy ..." Who, one wonders, is feeding the president his talking points? Is he unaware that the Iranian people, even opponents of the regime, believe Iran has a right to nuclear power and should retain the capacity to build nuclear weapons?
A judge and a lawyer working for the special tribunal that will put Saddam Hussein on trial have been shot dead, Iraqi officials revealed today.
Britain’s Court of Appeal ruled Wednesday that a teenage pupil’s human rights were violated by her school’s ban on a form of traditional Muslim dress.
In the past four months, six Muslim women living in Berlin have been brutally murdered by family members. Their crime? Trying to break free and live Western lifestyles. Within their communities, the killers are revered as heroes for preserving their family dignity. How can such a horrific and shockingly archaic practice be flourishing in the heart of Europe?
The countries lining the Persian Gulf in the Middle East are filthy rich and relatively free of Islamist fundamentalism. And it's not just oil. Gigantic building projects mostly geared toward the tourism industry are becoming the region's -- and particularly Dubai's -- forte. And terrorism is so far leaving the region alone.
One of Afghanistan's most notorious warlords is to serve as chief of staff to President Hamid Karzai with responsibility for the country's armed forces.
A judge and a lawyer working for the special tribunal that will put Saddam Hussein on trial have been shot dead, Iraqi officials revealed today.
Britain’s Court of Appeal ruled Wednesday that a teenage pupil’s human rights were violated by her school’s ban on a form of traditional Muslim dress.
In the past four months, six Muslim women living in Berlin have been brutally murdered by family members. Their crime? Trying to break free and live Western lifestyles. Within their communities, the killers are revered as heroes for preserving their family dignity. How can such a horrific and shockingly archaic practice be flourishing in the heart of Europe?
The countries lining the Persian Gulf in the Middle East are filthy rich and relatively free of Islamist fundamentalism. And it's not just oil. Gigantic building projects mostly geared toward the tourism industry are becoming the region's -- and particularly Dubai's -- forte. And terrorism is so far leaving the region alone.
One of Afghanistan's most notorious warlords is to serve as chief of staff to President Hamid Karzai with responsibility for the country's armed forces.

lol... im sorry.. but that latter part just makes me lauph. yes, that would be interesting i think.
I love how Bryan refuses to accept the correct way to spell "laugh". I have told him in the past it is spelled with a "gh", but I think he is trying to start an orthographical revolution. Ph is definitely more phonetically correct.
cielo is all about revolution
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