Tuesday, February 01, 2005



Skype’s Mac and Linux versions graduate from beta to official

There are rarely supporters of the hard road of promoting democracies abroad until they are well established. We learned that well enough both before and after the Afghanistan war. Many swore that the Taliban could not be removed. After their demise, new critics warned that the fascists could not be replaced with democrats—and now suddenly they are mostly silent or indeed supportive of the new Afghanistan.

Jobs is also known for his "reality distortion field", best seen during his keynote speeches at Apple expos...

Companies with family-friendly policies have in recent years lengthened the amount of time offered for maternity or paternity leave. But a supermarket chain here has taken the idea to the next level, offering "fertility leave" to employees who have trouble conceiving.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Tue Feb 01, 07:31:00 PM MST  
Blogger bryan said...

anonymous comments....eh.. i dont mind censuring those. maybe VDH is thinking that the EU is anti-democratic for not thinking democracy could work in other coutries. history would prove an EU assumption, that some cultures are inherently incompatable with democracy, wrong. i personally dont think the EU really cares either way as long as it forwards a european agenda, which isnt necessarily horrible.

Wed Feb 02, 09:17:00 AM MST  
Blogger Michael and Natalie said...

so, i went to that provo pulse link...you should ask them where they get their ads, cause they re pretty cool...free i pods and stuff

Wed Feb 02, 09:25:00 AM MST  
Blogger bryan said...

MMmmm... free ipods.... you should ask me about that. and no, im not a facist...youll have to talk to my father about that. that sounds bad.. i mean.. talk to my father about national socialism.

Wed Feb 02, 09:52:00 AM MST  

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