The proposal is opposed by many within Mr Martin's governing Liberal Party. Opinion polls indicate that nearly two-thirds of Canadians are against it.
On Tuesday Ottawa's new ambassador to the US caused an uproar by saying a defence pact the two neighbours signed last year meant Canada was effectively already part of the defence system. Canada agreed in August to allow the joint Canadian-US air defence command to share information with the missile defence programme.
The victims of integration...End of segregation, end of many black-owned businesses

A Russian digital-music site offering high-quality song downloads for just pennies apiece is the target of a criminal copyright investigation by the local police, recording industry groups said Tuesday.
U.S. officials are pressuring Nicaragua's government to destroy aging Soviet-made surface-to-air missiles they fear could be sold to terrorists on the black market.
A candid first lady opens up about her East Wing plans and discusses recently released tapes of her husband’s conversations
Why pick on the tiny iPod when landfills around the country are filling up with 16-inch monitors and ancient CPUs? Because of the sheer numbers of the devices being sold, and Apple's reputation as a forward-thinking company.
Senior European Union officials, for all their disdain toward the United States in recent years, have been squabbling this week over who gets more "face time" with President Bush.
The much-touted American-style "town hall" meeting the White House has been planning with "normal Germans" of everyday walks of life will be missing during his visit to the Rhine River hamlet of Mainz this afternoon
Both chambers of the Republican-controlled Virginia General Assembly yesterday approved a measure that would deny illegal aliens access to state and local public benefits, including Medicaid.
On Tuesday Ottawa's new ambassador to the US caused an uproar by saying a defence pact the two neighbours signed last year meant Canada was effectively already part of the defence system. Canada agreed in August to allow the joint Canadian-US air defence command to share information with the missile defence programme.
The victims of integration...End of segregation, end of many black-owned businesses

A Russian digital-music site offering high-quality song downloads for just pennies apiece is the target of a criminal copyright investigation by the local police, recording industry groups said Tuesday.
U.S. officials are pressuring Nicaragua's government to destroy aging Soviet-made surface-to-air missiles they fear could be sold to terrorists on the black market.
A candid first lady opens up about her East Wing plans and discusses recently released tapes of her husband’s conversations
Why pick on the tiny iPod when landfills around the country are filling up with 16-inch monitors and ancient CPUs? Because of the sheer numbers of the devices being sold, and Apple's reputation as a forward-thinking company.
Senior European Union officials, for all their disdain toward the United States in recent years, have been squabbling this week over who gets more "face time" with President Bush.
The much-touted American-style "town hall" meeting the White House has been planning with "normal Germans" of everyday walks of life will be missing during his visit to the Rhine River hamlet of Mainz this afternoon
Both chambers of the Republican-controlled Virginia General Assembly yesterday approved a measure that would deny illegal aliens access to state and local public benefits, including Medicaid.
I'm gonna have a BoNzO download session on allofmp3.com just in case! Imma send so much loot their way they are gonna have enough dollas to fight the case. Maybe they could get some dad gum Beach Boys up on that too.
Laura Bush is fascinating! dont even get me started on Condi ;)
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