Mini finds Target
Who, then, is the real moralist? Is it the police officer who stops an illegal alien but cannot call immigration authorities? The contractor who knowingly accepts falsified identification and pays untaxed cash wages? The La Raza ("The Race") activist who promotes ethnic chauvinism for those to whom it will prove most deleterious? Perhaps the grandstanding Mexican consul who faults the United States for his own country's callousness?
Last November on Venezuelan National Radio (RNV) I learned that there are moves afoot to propose President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias as a leading candidate for the 2005 Nobel Peace Prize.
"I'm not asking for any help from President Bush because I know of his selfishness and unconcern for those who've been pushed into this hellhole."
"The America of our dreams, where every child is welcomed . . . in life and protected in law, may still be some ways away," Bush said. "But even from the far side of the river . . . we can see its glimmerings."
The Anglosphere Challenge to the Political Left
It also caused acute embarrassment for Germany at a time when authors like Günter Grass and some conservative politicians had started to write about how there were also German victims during World War II.
The Pentagon was re-interpreting US law and trying to bypass the CIA, it said.
El Salvador's gangs are not home grown - in culture and style they ape the Latino street gangs of downtown Los Angeles in the US.
Pew Study: Most Users Cannot Distinguish Paid From Natural Searches
The US military is planning to deploy robots armed with machine-guns to wage war against insurgents in Iraq.
As previously reported, the Mountain View, Calif.-based company has been quietly developing Google Video, an engine that lets people search the text of TV shows.
New diminutive desktop is set to go on sale at Apple stores Saturday; buyers can also order it at Target's online store.

Last November on Venezuelan National Radio (RNV) I learned that there are moves afoot to propose President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias as a leading candidate for the 2005 Nobel Peace Prize.
"I'm not asking for any help from President Bush because I know of his selfishness and unconcern for those who've been pushed into this hellhole."
"The America of our dreams, where every child is welcomed . . . in life and protected in law, may still be some ways away," Bush said. "But even from the far side of the river . . . we can see its glimmerings."
The Anglosphere Challenge to the Political Left
It also caused acute embarrassment for Germany at a time when authors like Günter Grass and some conservative politicians had started to write about how there were also German victims during World War II.
The Pentagon was re-interpreting US law and trying to bypass the CIA, it said.
El Salvador's gangs are not home grown - in culture and style they ape the Latino street gangs of downtown Los Angeles in the US.
Pew Study: Most Users Cannot Distinguish Paid From Natural Searches
The US military is planning to deploy robots armed with machine-guns to wage war against insurgents in Iraq.
As previously reported, the Mountain View, Calif.-based company has been quietly developing Google Video, an engine that lets people search the text of TV shows.
New diminutive desktop is set to go on sale at Apple stores Saturday; buyers can also order it at Target's online store.
Dieciocho para siempre, putamadre!
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