Snow Blower Wear
Washington Post fashion writer Robin Givhan described Cheney's look at the deeply moving 60th anniversary service as "the kind of attire one typically wears to operate a snow blower."
Aaron you have a call on the white courtesy phone. :)
Joyful tears and frequent applause marked the start of U.S. voting Friday in Iraq first independent elections in more than 50 years.
Israel announced on Friday it was sharply reducing its military operations in the West Bank and Gaza Strip in response to efforts by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to end attacks on Israelis.
"The elections depict democracy as if it is connected to the idea of submission to the American occupier," said Abdel Halim Qandil, who is campaigning against an extension of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak 23-year-old rule.
A Polish amendment called for Auschwitz, set up in occupied Poland during World War II, to be referred to as a "German Nazi death camp" instead of a "Hitler Nazi death camp."
CNN founder Ted Turner attacked US TV network Fox News on Tuesday, labelling it "propaganda" for its stance towards the Bush administration. Turner also likened the network's current popularity to Adolf Hitler's rise to power in 1930s Germany. Mr Turner also attacked "gigantic companies whose agenda goes beyond broadcasting" for not criticising the Bush administration enough.
Fox News issued a statement, saying: "Ted is understandably bitter having lost his ratings, his network and now his mind - we wish him well."
Gigantic companies huh?
Time Warner Inc. is a leading global media and entertainment...

Aaron you have a call on the white courtesy phone. :)
Joyful tears and frequent applause marked the start of U.S. voting Friday in Iraq first independent elections in more than 50 years.
Israel announced on Friday it was sharply reducing its military operations in the West Bank and Gaza Strip in response to efforts by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to end attacks on Israelis.
"The elections depict democracy as if it is connected to the idea of submission to the American occupier," said Abdel Halim Qandil, who is campaigning against an extension of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak 23-year-old rule.
A Polish amendment called for Auschwitz, set up in occupied Poland during World War II, to be referred to as a "German Nazi death camp" instead of a "Hitler Nazi death camp."
CNN founder Ted Turner attacked US TV network Fox News on Tuesday, labelling it "propaganda" for its stance towards the Bush administration. Turner also likened the network's current popularity to Adolf Hitler's rise to power in 1930s Germany. Mr Turner also attacked "gigantic companies whose agenda goes beyond broadcasting" for not criticising the Bush administration enough.
Fox News issued a statement, saying: "Ted is understandably bitter having lost his ratings, his network and now his mind - we wish him well."
Gigantic companies huh?
Time Warner Inc. is a leading global media and entertainment...
so...this picture of cheney is like, "what, so what if i m wearing green...i don t know why i got stuck going to this stupid thing anyway."
i doubt he was thinking that. a thought like that at an event of that sort i believe is illegal in half of western europe.
I'm just kidding.
A) What a stud. Who would be daring enough to wear such a ridiculous coat and ridiculous hat. Staff 2001? What in blue blazes is that? I can't believe his staff wasn't smart enough to suggest something else. But that is a beautiful coat. I wore mine all week long in NYC and looked rad in the sea of black coats (and black people). (Bryan, I think you have a photo of me wearing that exact should post that crap for everyone to and the Mr. Vice President side by side.)
B) I think it's funny, and I'm glad he did it because reading that hilarious Washington Post article with the zings abounding really made my day. It's just too bad that it makes him look like an idiot. That looks like what he wears when he goes duck hunting with Scalia. And that *IS* what my old man The Don, wears when he's operating his snowblower. I'm sure those absurd Europeans and American Liberals are gonna love complaining about how horrible and Nazi-like the US is for doing whatever it's doing. NEWSFLASH: It was the AMERICANS who liberated Auschwitz! Not the French. And it's the Americans who continue to liberate those who are brutaly murdered by tyrants while the rest of the world is pulling a Vichey or what have you. And they call Cheney and Bush Lil Hitlers? Give me a break and please don't complain about Cheney not showing any "compassion" or what have you.
C) Wasn't there another hilarious article from the Washington Post about something else Bush and Co. was wearing written by a fashion writer? Was it the same one?
do0d.. while you were busting out your coat on the streets of NYC you could have been wearing the urban sombrero...
ill have to look for any photos of you in the coat... im not sure that i do have one, but one could easily be taken for comparison purposes.
Re: C) the other article youre referring to was about condi and george w. being so close i believe. the link would be saved in the archives
I guess it was the Russians who liberated Auschwitz. Oops.
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