Thursday, January 13, 2005

Prince Harry to Auschwitz!

Women and fliers 50 or older are the most strongly inclined to keep airliner cabins free of cell phone chatter.

"It was a poor choice of costume and I apologize," he added. Jewish groups reacted swiftly to the incident.

Why not send Prince Harry to Auschwitz so that he can get an idea for himself what it was like to suffer under Nazis. His infantile behaviour is not only an insult to Jewish people but to the current German nation.
Roy Kift, Germany

Things are so bad that one of the officials from the Independent Electoral Commission, Adil al-Lami, compared the workers to a clandestine political movement. "They function like an underground," he said in an interview

"You wouldn't normally think a black kid would be running a high-school computer lab, but we have one doing just that," Blochner said of her show

Mr Le Pen denounced the "political control of thought" in France.

Buenos Aires, dejected for so long by its economic woes, is once again standing proud, as the gay tourism capital of South America.

Monsters, like leftists, don't reproduce naturally. Ordinary uncontraceived heterosexual relations do not create little vampires and zombies. Monsters perpetuate themselves through blasphemous acts, like assembling dead body parts into human form, or sharing ancient curses through biting.

The museum and connecting Hall of Fame would document the early roots of popular music in the South, where Dallas was a crossroads of experimentation. And it would examine the influence of Texas natives on today's common genres, from jazz and blues to country and Western swing.


Blogger Michael and Natalie said...

you know, i dont even know what i think about this whole prince harry thing. i mean, on the one hand, he is just a lame rich kid who KNOWS people take pictures of him ALL THE TIME!!! so, it seems to me that he did this on purpose, kind of like a slap in the face to his dad and everyone else. i dont think he s anti jew or anything like that...a formal apology, hmmm...if he apologizes it means he s done something wrong, which i dont think he has. he should be allowed to wear whatever he wants (to a costume party at that), but at the same time, i do wish he had a little more manners. i just put myself in his position, i dont think purposely brining in bad press is a very nice thing to do, but then again, its not like he s likely to ever going to be king right? at least he gave them something to think about...

Thu Jan 13, 09:57:00 AM MST  
Blogger Aaron said...

I think Prince Harry is a stud. He's all "F.U.! NVRMND THE BULLOCKS!!!11!!! ANARCHY IN THE U.K.!11!!1!" He's much more interesting than boring "Heart Throb" Prince William. I like Charles, but if he dies or whatever, screw William...we need Harry to ascend to the throne and throw out some fascist salutes or what have you.

Thu Jan 13, 01:14:00 PM MST  
Blogger bryan said...

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Sat Jan 15, 02:08:00 PM MST  
Blogger bryan said...

sounds good aaron... these ADL pots love calling the kettle black...

Sat Jan 15, 07:42:00 PM MST  

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