Wednesday, January 12, 2005

The Street

"We are thrilled to report the highest quarterly revenue and net income in Apple's history," Apple CEO Steve Jobs said in a statement.

"Between the announcements at Macworld yesterday and the results today, it's really about much more than just the iPod," said Darcy Travlos, an analyst with Caris & Co.

It contradicts conventional evolutionary theory...
surprise, surprise

A Republican member of the House of Representatives vowed on Wednesday to lead a revolt against President Bush's immigration reform proposals and predicted that up to 180 party members would support him.

He told them to pipe down, and when they did not, the lawyer reported the pair to court personnel, who charged them with disorderly conduct, a misdemeanor

Today House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said, "Now that the search is finished, President Bush needs to explain to the American people why he was so wrong."
Too bad that old hag doesn't remember the story below...

But Kay said the Iraqi regime was clearly in violation of UN Security Council resolutions, and Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein had not give up his ambition to produce weapons of mass destruction.
"All I can say is if you read the total body of intelligence in the last 12 to 15 years that flowed on Iraq, I quite frankly think it would be hard to come to a conclusion other than Iraq was a gathering, serious threat to the world with regard to WMD," he said.


Blogger Michael and Natalie said...

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Wed Jan 12, 09:30:00 PM MST  
Blogger bryan said...

Natalie likes to remove her posts...

Wed Jan 12, 09:34:00 PM MST  

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