Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Alfombras in Comayagua

Comayagua (Come-a-ya-gwa) is a colonial town located in central Honduras. Every year during the Christian holiday of Holy Week extensive celebrations take place. One of these is the making of alfombras (al-fome-bras), or carpets, on Good Friday. These carpets contain elaborate religious designs that are made from stenciling dyed saw dust from pine wood. Artists create the carpets for display by working for up to ten hours designing such images as the last supper and ornate patterns. Spectators can admire the creativity of the carpets until 10:30pm when they walked over by the Procession of Vía Crucis (Vee-a-Croo-sis). Although the celebration is considered Catholic, Hondurans of all faiths enjoy the dedication and artistry that is apparent in the carpets.


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