periodicals mishap #2

my sister and the niece that made me an uncle
so i was studying for a final, and it was going pretty good when i decided it was time to maybe listen to some background music. i remembered to plug in my earbuds this time and i opened up itunes. there was a couple of shared libraries and i always make it a point to check out other peoples music, though just about always i come up disappointed. well, not disappointed but more dissatisfied and always expecting it. anyway, i was checking out this one guys music and he had a lot of cool stuff. its been months since i was that excited and downloaded that much music. some french acoustic, new york dolls, and some other stuff. he had such unique music relatively speaking (one thing called storycorps which is worth checking out) that i decided i would take a break from studying and go walk around to see if i could find the person that had it. i have done this before but was able to first communicate with them using rendezvous (now bonjour) in ichat. so i started walking around the periodicals section of the library, all the way up one end, then coming back down the other. as i was walking i thought to myself, "this guy has surely got to have a mac..." i continued walking, "i really dont think its a girl." i saw several kind of dorky looking guys and kind of laughed to myself that it was probably someone that looked similar. im walking down back the other side of periodicals when i see a powerbook by itself and theres a hooded sweatshirt hanging over the chair. i light flashed in my mind and i thought "theres my guy!" i noticed that an ipod was also connected to the powerbook and this provided further evidence to me of my hypothesis. so as i was giving myself non-verbal pats on the back in my mind for how well i was able to read people i was my powerbook. i was quickly put back in my place mentally, had a grin on my face, and went back to my chair.
LOL! Are you SURE you didn't smoke weed when you were younger? You've got some Mega-Drew in you fool, it's ridiculous! I bet it was a hot babe listening to that music. You should've kept looking and @ least introduced her to me.
so whose music was it then?
i guees i didnt need to smoke weed when i was younger... these stories are proof of that! i probably have told you this before, (if i have, its just is more of the same) when i was in high school and had hair down past my shoulders...i always had half-closed eyes, i was always slow of speech. my brother would say i had 'garfield' eyes. people would ask me if i was high, and i would say no... flatly deny it, looking them in the eye. then they would say, "youre high right now!" it wasnt very comforting.
i never found out whose music it was because when i realized i was looking at my own setup it kind of.. i dont know.. put me in my place as i think i wrote. it also reminded me that i had a lot more important issues at hand, final i was going to have a couple of hrs from then. me walking around looking for the person was kind of a break from studying anyway, and i needed to end the break. if it was anyone cool or hot im sure theyll be down there again. though ive never seen that shared library in periodicals before.. im sure theyve caught the periodicals bug now. its a great place to study. huh.. well, i probably wont see them. the semester is ending...theres always the fall! anyway... i need to end this.... im rambling.. but i have an excuse this time... i just woke up.
Congrats on the niece I guess. Give your brother and sister-in-law a holler.
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