Tom Delay

even the michelin man is more active...
The federal government must prove it can protect the nation's borders before Congress can pass a guest-worker program, House Majority Leader Tom DeLay said yesterday..."Ultimately, we need to enforce our laws. The American people need to see us protect our borders and enforce our laws," Mr. DeLay said. "Then, they'll be willing to talk about a guest-worker program."
Indie fans often come across as if they belong to some sort of secret society, frowning upon all those poor, ignorant souls who just don't "get it" when it comes to music. Lies. We're here to tell you that you too can be a hipster. ...So start somewhere safe: Sonic Youth. You cannot go wrong if you like Sonic Youth. Everybody in indie rock likes Sonic Youth, and those who don't are afraid to admit it.
First of all LOL @ the Michelin Man (he's french btw.)
Second of all, I hate Tom DeLay. I hated him when I was a liberal and now that I am no longer a liberal I hate him with the same rancor. I don't care about his little 30 second soundbite on border protection... I hate him. But good for his soundbite...whatever.
Now about how to look indie....take it from me, King of Kool, this article Bryan linked you to is all wrong.
Take this advice from Dr. David Thorpe...its much better:
How to Fake It
Luckily, there’s a simple way out. Make up a band. This might seem dangerous, but if you do it right it’s a lifesaver. There are, however, a couple of tricks to it. Firstly, the name has to be plausible. Don’t say “The Magnificent Penis Rangers,” because that sounds like a fake band. Don’t say something overly simple, like “The Trolls,” because it’s too likely that it’s actually the name of a real band. Come up with something esoteric and meaningless, like “The Alabaster Swans” or “Cornbread Farm.” No matter how much your opponent knows, he can’t call you on it. What is he going to say? “I know about every band, and Cornbread Farm isn’t one of them!”? All your opponent can do is either acknowledge that he hasn’t heard of Cornbread Farm or press you for more information. This is where the second important aspect of it comes in: have at least a rudimentary biography built up for this band. What years were the active? Try the early Eighties; it’s far enough back that their records might not be out on CD and the internet might come up clean for information on them. What label were they on? Make one up: Catbird records. What sort of music did they make? Mix up a bunch of unrelated terms until you get one that sounds acceptable: proto-shoegaze jangle-pop. If you want to put some icing on the cake, make up a critic who loves them. “Cornbread Farm is actually John Simon Dodge’s favorite band. He talks about them at length in his book.” This will make your opponent feel clueless and poorly read.
i just posted a link about the mediterrean diet becoming out of style....hence the michelin man in his state.
i dont know much about tom delay. i liked what he had to say about illegals immigration. considering what the liberals think about him as evidenced in the following links he cant be all bad :)
tom delay is going to go on a murdering spree
dare i say, any enemy of barbara boxer is a friend of mine...
all wrong eh? psshooot... if its all wrong, then why is the self-proclaimed 'king of cool' doing the following as stated in the article?
-The "bedhead" look is too obvious, but a modified bedhead with a greasy sheen to it will have you blending right in with the crowd at the indie rock show. (aarons shaggy top)
-In fact, a lot of college music was just pop music. R.E.M. (one of, if not the most favorite band of aaron)
-Everybody in indie rock likes Sonic Youth, (including aaron)
and the list goes on...
but anyway... making up a band is not suggested because that is higher level of indie imitation. soyouwanna is for the novices. note the pic of the asian kid w/ the black framed glasses (which aaron of course has) but the totally non-indie haircut. all indie is imitation and posturing hence the 'indier-than-thou' attitude. theres different levels. i think the soyouwanna page offers a very good place to start. that SO YOU WANNA link....they are wrong about many many many things. And it's Galaxie 500 not Galaxy 500. The Galaxie 500 was also a glamouras car made by eventually became the LTD.
aaron is providing a great demonstration of the indier-than-thou attitude. by blasting the soyouwanna link as all wrong and lacking credibility he is indeed being indie.
that i must admit, is a better lecture and demonstration that what the soyouwanna link provides.
LOL. They had to modify that Tom DeLay T Shirt...if you remember Drudge had posted the original T Shirt which read "Please commit suicide". They sarcastically thank Drudge for prompting CafePress to remove the shirt from their site. Just yesterday I also saw that Drudge prompted CafePress to also remove the KILL BUSH shirt from their site as well.
Drudge also had a nice article about Dick Cheney on DeLay:
Vice President Cheney says he opposes revenge against judges for their refusal to prolong the life of the late Terri Schiavo, although he did not criticize House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Tex.) for declaring that they will "answer for their behavior."
Cheney was asked about the issue on Friday by the editorial board of the New York Post. He said twice that he had not seen DeLay's remarks, but the vice president said he would "have problems" with the idea of retribution against the courts. "I don't think that's appropriate," he said. "I may disagree with decisions made by judges in any one particular case. But I don't think there would be much support for the proposition that because a judge hands down a decision we don't like, that somehow we ought to go out -- there's a reason why judges get lifetime appointments."
When are you gonna post the Yo La Tengo Concert Disaster article?
Boy did I feed into Bryan's hand or what? Or how ever that saying goes. I'm done.
phooey.. i didnt even notice that the shirt had changed. i thought i was linking to the suicide one. what a sham...
although i am a fan of ol' man cheney there are plenty of things i disagree with, as well as his comrade bush. calling the minutemen vigilantes shows bushs weakness and politics. i would say im a lot more a fan of the house repubs as a whole than the bush admin.
people are really playing up this "retribution" agains the courts and cheney plays the game as well. i love that dailykos link in my other comment.
i cant post the yo la tengo concert disaster article because its archived now on the onion and archived content is only accesible to premium users :(
being indier than thou is a slippery slope just like extreme liberalism/socialism/etc. how can you criticize and hate the country that feeds you with its agribusiness and fuels your car with oil from big mean corporations that pollute the enviroment. even if you live on a compound and grow all your own food youre a citizen of a country that is based upon priciples created by rich, white, slave owners. but this is a different subject... anyway...
combatting indie sterotypes just fuels the stereotype...
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