Pakistani Democracy

For Terri Schiavo will not have died a natural death. She will have been put to death by the state. The coroner's report should read: This was a state-sanctioned killing of a woman because she was brain-damaged, and the method of execution was by starvation and denial of water. These are methods most of us would protest if imposed on the Beltway snipers.
for Jonathan
He further testified that, as company commander, he had more important priorities on the high-profile mission than saving the Iraqi, including searching for two escaped passengers and maintaining the safety of his men.
The legislation, which takes effect Jan. 1, applies only to illegal immigrants 19 and older. Immigrants of any age still will be eligible for emergency aid, such as disaster relief and pregnancy tests...It's very disappointing," said Arlington County Board member Walter Tejada (D), who serves as chairman of the Virginia Latino Advisory Commission, which Warner established two years ago. "It serves no other purpose but to fan the flames of anti-immigrant sentiment . . . and that is simply wrong."
Pakistan's ambassador said yesterday the U.S. push for democracy is forcing countries around the world to re-examine their governmental and human rights practices and that Pakistan too will be strongly affected.
Suppose, however, that someone did defend a view about abortion, same-sex marriage, or some other contentious matter by appealing to religious considerations. Why should this be considered unacceptable? The problem, in the view of many liberals, is that religious considerations are matters of faith, where "faith" connotes in their minds a kind of groundless commitment...
yeah, i wish i had something more insightful, but i have to say that i agree with the buchanan article. it really is astounding to me that this is happening... i mean, they re killing her, and theres absolutely no reason. like i said, i wish i could be more insightful...
this is what I think about illegal immigration. i think we should build a great big wonderful wall complete with barbed wire and an even taller electric fence along the southern, and possibly the northern borders of the United States. it bothers me to no end that there are something like 4000 people who come into our nation illegally everday. they suck resources up. i will, however, say this about LEGAL immigration. i know that the US lets almost no one in from mexico legally. and how could they not want to come here from there poverty, yada yada yada...However, i do wish we could first fix the problem of all the illegals and then allow more people to come in here legally if they, say, met certain standards. maybe something like, if you have proven that you qualify to become an american citizen and you speak english and you have no felonies in mexico, then you can come in, say for ten years. SOMEthing like that. instead, all these illegals pour in, and it just makes me so so so so so mad.
my sentiments are basically the ones written by VDH in the link below.
and I agree with natalie in the sense that illegal immigration should be stopped but legal immigration should be increased. i do think women or whoever getting raped and killed trying to come to this country is extremely sad; especially when this country is a country of immigrants and we supposedly subscribe to the ideals as expressed on the statue of liberty.
i dont think this offers an excuse however to open the borders to every vagrant that wishes to come to this country and suck off of our resources and bankrupt our welfare system whether it be government sponsored or private, such as a hospital.
i as well think that we need to quit catering to mexico and their corrupt government. pouring their needy upon us is much easier then them actually reforming and stopping corruption.
VDHs book "mexifornia" is a very good read on this subject.
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