Friday, July 15, 2005

top hats and monocles

"I think that they should sell war bonds" said a caller from McKeesport, Pa. to the radio program I host. "Why?" I asked. "Because, then this war would be paid for by you rich Republicans."

Michael Lefenfeld and James Dye of Signa Chemistry wanted to make rooms smell better. Instead, they stumbled on a way that could make hydrogen fuel cells a practical reality.

A group of French speakers in Japan are suing the governor of Tokyo after he described French as a failed language.

Being broke can enrich your life. Or at least that's what Alexander von Schoenburg maintains in his bestselling book. As Germans say goodbye to their BMWs and bid farewell to the twice-yearly trip to Majorca, could this be the beginning of a shift in values in German society?


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